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Fat Bear Bracket

A battle of girth and gluttony await you! Each year the bears of Katmai National Park gorge themselves on salmon to prepare for winter, bulking up for the big sleep. Of our many feasting furry friends, only one can waddle away with the title of "World's Fattest Bear". Who's your plump pick? Fill out your bracket and follow along!

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Paws & Play: Your Guide to the Game!

bear at desk

Sign Up

Join the bear-y best competition of the season! Ready to pick your favorite chonkster? Sign up now and dive paw-first into the furriest, fluffiest bracket challenge ever. Who knows, you might just become the bear-illiant master of Fat Bear matchups!
bear at desk

Pick Bears

Time to unleash your inner bear-o-damus! Analyze those tubby tummies and predict who's been indulging in extra salmon snacks. Select your champion bear and ride the wave of roly-poly rivalry. May the chubbiest chonk win!
bear at desk

See Standings

Bear with us as the tournament unfolds! With every round, watch your scores climb (or tumble) as the bears waddle their way to victory. Will your predictions reign supreme or will you face an ursine upset? Stay tuned!